Your Feedback is Important to Us!


If you’ve called in for questions before, chances are one of our technicians has gotten connected to your computer. We often connect directly to your computer to provide walk-throughs, troubleshoot or install services for you. What you may not have noticed, is that every time one of our technicians disconnects from your computer, a survey window will automatically pop up for you! It’s a simple 1 to 5 Stars poll with a comment box, that only takes a second to fill out.


We encourage ALL of our clients to rate the service you received during your call. If the technician you spoke to was particularly helpful or friendly, let us know! If you didn’t receive the full answer you were looking for, we want to hear it! We are always looking to improve our service for our customers and we need your input to help make sure every call is the best experience possible. And who knows, your response may even pop-up on our Facebook page! We look forward to hearing from each and every one of you! 




Tech Tip: Deactivate, Don’t Delete!


Everyone likes to cut down on the clutter at times, but when it comes to your Envision Software, make sure you do it smart! If you have an item that you’ve discontinued or a service you’re no longer offering, don’t delete them! Simply double-click into the service or retail item that you are going to remove and look for the “Active” checkbox. You can unselect this box and Save. By Deactivating instead of Deleting, you are maintaining the sales history of that product and can still run reports on it if needed later!