Online Booking Enhancements Offer a Better Experience for Your Clients and Your Business

Envision Cloud's Online Booking feature just got an upgrade!  It now offers an easier experience for your clients and give you the ability to track your success!  Keep reading to see the new full-week booking window, appointment notes field, Google analytics tracking, and online booking conversion report!


Display a Full Week of Availability: 

Now it’s even easier for your clients to find the perfect day and time for their appointment when booking online.  The enhanced “Full Week View” online booking window gives your clients the freedom to view 7 days’ worth of availability without having to adjust their appointment selections.  Plus, with a simple click, clients can scroll to future weeks or start their search on a specific date. 

Oh, did we mention this works great on a mobile device? Well, it does! If your site is responsive, your booking frame can be, too! Just let your web designer know that you want the booking window to fit your site.  


Receive Clients' Appointment Notes:

Don’t you wish your clients could let you know they’re ready for a big change, or warn you kindly make you aware that they’re bringing all their kids with them?  Now they can enter an appointment note before booking so you’ll know exactly what to expect or what they’re looking for. 

Store Google Analytics ID:

We now offer the ability to store your Google Analytics ID for accurate tracking of your online bookings  

Enter your Google Analytics ID by going to Company Settings > Online Booking > General Options. 


Track Online Booking Conversions:

New report alert! It’s an old saying, but it’s still so true… “What gets measured, gets improved.” Now you can track and measure how many people are clicking your online booking button and completing the booking process.

View the Online Booking Statistics report under Reports > Appointment Reports > Online Booking Statistics.
Select the date range you want to view, and voila! 


Contact our support team at 407-253-0913 if you need assistance or more details on these feature updates. 


Related Articles: Why Online Booking is so important today, Envision Cloud 2019 Quarter 2 Updates, Envision Cloud 2019 Quarter 1 Updates